Friday, March 7, 2014

svn 1.8.0 "problem both sides of the move must be committed together"

  Illegal target for the requested operation  
 svn: Commit failed (details follow):  
 svn: Cannot commit 'E:\JOB\Hotel Project\SVNMandal10Feb2014\branches\mandala_soft\src\main\webapp\jsp\room\setup_room_state_form.jsp' because it was moved from 'E:\JOB\Hotel Project\SVNMandal10Feb2014\branches\mandala_soft\src\main\webapp\jsp\setup_room_state_form.jsp' which is not part of the commit; both sides of the move must be committed together  

Commit parent folder inside which you moved files by drag and drop. This solve the problem in SVN by performing commit  at both  sides of the move the same time, thus solution to the problem.

To solve this problem follow the instruction in the image:

Step 1:
Fig1 :- SVN 1.8 file committed together step 1

Step 2:
Illegal target for the requested operation

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