Test Driven Development (TDD)

Exercise: Using JUnit
Note:- Maven Must be configured to follow this tutorial
1.       First create a Maven Project  Right Click on project Explorer -> New  -> Others

2. Select ->Maven  Click-> Maven Project|On the next screen Click -> Next Button 

3. Choose Appropriate GrpuoId/ ArtifactId from the list | Click -> Next 
For the sample projcet I choose maven-archetype-quickstart, choose maven-archetype-webapp

4. Fill the textboxes with appropriate names | Click -> Finish

5. The newly created Project appears on the Project Explorer window 

6. Right Click the project -> Run As -> Maven package | Then project must build Successfully

7. Explore the project you find App.java and AppTest.java file

8. Open App.java file and write following Code
    code sample
 private int val1,val2;  
      public int add(int i, int j)  
           val1 = i;  
           val2 = j;  
           int result = i+j;  
           return result;  

9. Open AppTest.java file and write following Code
    code sample
  public void testAdd()  
        App ap =new App();  
        int actulaResult= ap.add(5, 5);  
        assertTrue(actulaResult == 10);  

10. Right Click AppTest.java file | Click -> Run As | Click -> JUnit Test

11. Add testCases and re-run the class for further testing.

1 comment:

John Eggers said...

This is extremely great; it truly clarified TDD for me and why TDD is superior in terms of bdd vs tdd vs ddd.