Installing Tomcat and Integrating with Eclipse (STS)

1. Download Tomcat from following link

2. Extract the downloaded file to a specific location
My location :- C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.40

3. Then, right click on mycomputer

4. click properties -> the follwing screen will be displayed

5. Now, click on Advance System Setting, screen below appears

6. Click on Environment Variables, another window is displayed

7. Click New button on User variable for user section (the upper box) and secreen below will be displayed
Insert following into corrosponding textbox

Variable name: CATALINA_HOME

Variable Value: C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.40

8. In System variable section (lower box) select Path and click Edit button, at the end after “;” paste full path to bin folder (Note :- keep other content in box as it is and end the line with “;”)

Variable Value: C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.40\bin

9. Now, after all this process check that Java installation and setting is successfully completed
Open command  and run following syntax

C:\Catalina version and you will see screen below if all the setting are correct

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